HHS Liability Waiver


I understand that in the course of participating in activities at the Pet Rescue and Resource Center (PRRC) operated by Hinsdale Humane Society (HHS) or offsite events that involve HHS Employees or Volunteers, the participant may have direct contact with domestic animals.

I further understand that the behavior of domestic animals is sometimes unpredictable and that some domestic animals are capable of inflicting serious personal injury as well as extensive property damage.  I also understand that there are diseases that can be transmitted between animals and people.   If I have questions or concerns about such injuries or diseases, I will consult my healthcare provider.  Knowing the risks of handling domestic animals, I agree to assume those risks and to release, indemnify, and hold harmless HHS and any of its agents, directors, officers, members, employees or other volunteer workers for any and all personal injury and property damages resulting from my actions.

I agree to be supervised by an HHS staff member or designee and will report to the staff member or designee any problems that arise.

I assume responsibility for all risks of loss or damage or injuries that may be suffered by me or any minor under my care, or to the property owned by me or in my custody or any property owned by or in the custody of the minor participant, in the course of HHS activities from any cause, including but not limited to ordinary negligence attributed or which might be attributed to HHS or any of its agents, directors, officers, members, employees or other volunteer workers, whether sustained or suffered at the premises under the control of HHS or at any other premises not under the control of HHS, or when traveling to or from all such premises by any means of travel, including but not limited to privately owned vehicles, my own automobile or a vehicle borrowed by me, and public transportation.

I hereby release, discharge and indemnify HHS, and all third party entities (such as off-site locations), HHS agents, directors, officers, members, employees and volunteer workers from and in respect to any and all claims, actions and rights to causes of action, present or future, whether known, anticipated, for any injury, including death, loss of or damage to any property, suffered or sustained from any cause incident to or arising out of, during, or in connection with participation in HHS activities.

I agree to follow instructions from supervisors, HHS staff or adult volunteers




I hereby grant permission to HHS to use and publish my name or the name of any minor under my care, and any and all photographs, video or digital images taken of me or my likeness, or of the minor participant, and any recordings of my voice or the minor participant, that have been made in connection with participation in HHS activities and events (“the images and voice”), for use in furtherance of their mission, including but not limited to, for use in any and all print or electronic publications that promote HHS, and HHS activities and events.

By agreeing to this document, I agree that HHS, its employees, agents, officers, directors, contractors, affiliates, volunteers, and any third parties involved in the creation of HHS print and electronic publications may use the images and voice at their sole discretion in furtherance of HHS, and HHS activities and events.  I hereby grant HHS all rights in the images and voice, which rights include but are not limited to, copyrights, and the right to receive any and all royalties, proceeds or other benefits (monetary or otherwise) derived from the use of the images and voice. I understand that this document includes my permission for HHS to freely use the images and voice and that I will receive no financial compensation for such use by HHS. 

By agreeing to this document, I agree to release, forever discharge and hold harmless HHS and its agents, directors, officers, members, employees or other volunteer workers and any third parties involved in the creation of HHS print and electronic publications from any reasonable expectation of privacy, confidentiality that I might associate with the images and voice; and any and all liability claims, demands, or causes of action of whatever kind, in law or equity, associated with the use of the images and voice in the furtherance of HHS.

The representations, conditions and commitments contained in this document shall be binding upon my heirs, next of kin and personal representatives.

I acknowledge that I have read the entire document, that I understand the terms and provisions of this document, and that I have signed this document knowingly and voluntarily.  I understand that this document shall be governed by Illinois law, and is intended to be as inclusive as Illinois law permits.   In the event any court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this document invalid, I agree that the invalidity of such provision shall not otherwise affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this document.




Staff, volunteers and members of the Board of Directors (HHS Rep) must maintain the confidentiality of information entrusted to them by Hinsdale Humane Society (HHS) Pet Rescue and Resource Center (PRRC) or other companies, including our suppliers and customers, except when disclosure is authorized by a supervisor, staff member or legally mandated. You may not use for your own purposes nor disclose to any third party any Confidential Information (as that term is defined in the Agreement) without the express written permission of HHS. This includes but is not limited to all written materials, images, and photographs associated with any HHS PRRC facilities, animals, and events. The confidentiality obligations under the Agreement impose specific obligations and restrictions on you and such obligations shall govern to the extent they are, in any way, contrary to the terms of this Code. 

Third parties may ask you for information concerning HHS. HHS Reps (other than HHS authorized spokespersons) must not discuss internal HHS matters with, or disseminate internal HHS information to, anyone outside of HHS, except as required in the performance of their duties and after an appropriate confidentiality agreement is in place. This prohibition applies particularly to the inquiries concerning HHS from the media or other animal welfare agencies. All responses to inquiries on behalf of HHS must be made only by HHS authorized spokespersons. If you receive any inquiry of this nature, you must decline to comment and refer the inquirer to the Executive Director or HHS authorized spokespersons. 

Confidential information may include, but is not limited to HHS procedures, building and expansion plans, adoption policies and records, budgets and financial records, statistics, disposition and adoption status of animals, photos of HHS facilities, employees and animals, euthanasia policies, donor information, fundraising, contracts, mail lists, volunteer procedures and records, marketing strategies, employment policies and employee records, personal addresses and social security numbers, third party relationships with foundations or outside facilities, grant applications and/or awards, suppliers and outside contractors, business strategies. Members of the Board of Directors may have access to the names and/or addresses of minors such as humane education participants, donors and volunteers. Confidential information is to be held in strictest confidence and shall not be disclosed to other parties.